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Short Films

The 48 Hour Film Project Melbourne - $2000

Title: $2000. Team: Anima Film & Theater. Year: 2011

After a party. A couple attempt to find a lost Earring. The man reveals that
the set of Earrings was worth $2000. The couple splits up to find the
earrings. Two girls join in the sear

The 48 Hour Film Project Melbourne - Catacombs Inc.

Title: Catacombs Inc. Team: 48 Hour Party People. Year: 2011

A script reading relveals that the fan favorite is to be put in a coma. The costar struggles with this. The writer is being pressured by the Producer to kill the character. The -

The 48 Hour Film Project Melbourne - Solution

Title: Solution. Team: Ursine Productions. Year: 2011

A woman goes to visit the Chemist, who is a drug dealer. We find out that
she has come there for revenge because the Chemist murdered her

The 48 Hour Film Project Melbourne - Compass

Title: Compass. Team: Truncated Pictures. Year: 2011

Sisters argue in the car. They are on their way to pay tribute. They argue
over the earrings that one of the sisters have lost. We find out that they
are still morning from the death

The 48 Hour Film Project Melbourne - Incomplete

Title: Incomplete. Team: The Chords. Year: 2011

A woman wants to tell the man she loves that she is pregnant. When he
gest home she sees that he has been shot. His last words are to make sure
that she will be taken care of.

The 48 Hour Film Project Melbourne - The One Up

Title: The One Up Team: Team The Cameralla. Year: 2011

A man appologises to his to be wife. We then see that it is a scam, women
pay a company to provide ‘relationship insurance’ which is when they these
women drug the man, so that they

The 48 Hour Film Project Melbourne - Plan Nein Mediocre Race

Title: Plan Nein Mediocre Race. Team: Team ShmishMorshon. Year: 2011
People are all after a miracle cure called ‘Earring’ there is a chase for everyone to find the formula.

The 48 Hour Film Project Melbourne - Touched

Title: Touched. Team: Fresh Baked. Year: 2011
A man is making a dating video. We then discover that he is a transitioned
Priest. Living at his sisters. We then find out a lot about his past. The
reasoning behind his transition from Preist

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